Cosmological Development Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to empower the rural youth of India with entrepreneurial skills and opportunities. We believe that the rural youth have the potential to transform their communities and the nation with their creativity, innovation, and passion.
One of the main initiatives of the Cosmological Development Foundation is the Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP), which is designed to train and support the rural youth to start and run their own enterprises using the natural resources and without harming the environment. We ensure that the youth of rural areas should be able to generate the livelihood in their villages or nearby, they shouldn’t be migrating to cities in search of earning. The EDP program is introduced to keep this in mind.
The EDP covers various aspects of entrepreneurship, such as identification of business opportunities and market needs, preparation of business plans and feasibility studies, access to finance and credit facilities, technical and managerial skills development, marketing and branding strategies, legal and regulatory compliance, networking and mentoring. The EDP also provides the rural youth with access to various resources and platforms, such as Cosmological Development Foundation's online portal, which offers e-learning modules, webinars, case studies, and success stories, Cosmological Development Foundation's incubation center, which provides physical infrastructure, equipment, and tools, Cosmological Development Foundation's network of experts, mentors, and partners, who offer guidance, feedback, and support, Cosmological Development Foundation's events and exhibitions, which showcase the products and services of the rural entrepreneurs and facilitate market linkages.
The EDP has been successfully implemented in several villages across India, and has resulted in positive outcomes for the rural youth and their communities. The EDP has helped in creating sustainable livelihoods and income generation for the rural youth and their families, reducing rural-urban migration and retaining local talent and resources, promoting social and economic development and empowerment of rural communities, conserving natural resources and environment, and enhancing self-confidence, self-reliance, and leadership skills among the rural youth.
If you are a rural youth who wants to become an entrepreneur, or if you are interested in supporting our cause, please contact us at:
Email: info@cosmological.org
Phone: +91-22-12345678
Address: Cosmological Development Foundation, 123, XYZ Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to create a better future for the rural youth of India. Thank you for visiting our website.