A Call for Help Support Master Gurudatta Sachin Vhanne
Master Gurudatta Sachin Vhanne, a brave 10-year-old, is facing a critical battle against Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma at the right distal end of his femur. His doctors have urgently advised surgery involving wide excision and a mega prosthesis to ensure his best chance at recovery. The estimated cost for his total treatment is Rs. 5,00,000 (Five Lakh Rupees Only).
Gurudatta's family is struggling to meet this financial burden. His father works in a local saloon, and his mother is a housewife. With a total annual income of approximately Rs. 70,000, the cost of treatment is a formidable challenge for them, especially since they have already incurred expenses for chemotherapy that Gurudatta has undergone.
We earnestly seek your support to help Master Gurudatta receive the lifesaving treatment he desperately needs. Your kind donations can help alleviate the financial pressures on his family and give Gurudatta renewed hope for the future.
Donations can be made via cheque/DD/online in the name of: “Cosmological Development Foundation.”
Together, we can make a significant impact on Gurudatta's journey to recovery. Thank you for your compassion and generosity.